Thursday, January 10, 2008



I just had an epiphany as I was browsing through the photo books of Lydia and Lukas:
These books - the ones that we have created already and every single one that we will create - are absolutely priceless.
They are family treasures.
They are a blessing.
…for the families of the kids.
…for Mom and Dad now.
… and in a couple of years - AKA ‘in no time’ - for the kids themselves.

It makes me feels so damn good.
... and it really makes me want to create more and more of them.
I can't wait to shoot Ahmed's twins ...
I can't wait to talk to Alyssa.
I can't wait to hear back from Tristan's colleague Mike.
I can't wait for the world.

... and I can wait for our next meeting to learn more about what Arthur tells you in class.
(Give him a hug from me, please. He was the ONLY teacher I ever hugged at the end of a class or workshop)
...and to refine our handout materials for our future client.

And I can't wait for my next workshop to start tomorrow.

God I love photography.


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